Selected Abstracts
- Robinson M.,Flannigan R. Directed differentiation of peritubular myoid-like cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells. ASA 2020.
- Flannigan R.,Locke J., Schultz G., Campbell K., Van Patten C., Goldenberg SL., Black P. Getting advantage from the ‘teachable moment’ at initial diagnosis of prostate cancer – Results of a randomized controlled physical exercise program. AUA 2020.
Flannigan R.Zarowski C., Sundar M., Wu E., Vivar M., Johal N., Wong J., Yuen W., Sheikoleslami S., Liao W., Schultz B., Hudson N., Joseph S., Goldenberg SL., Higano CS. Utilization and Province-Wide Expansion of Sexual Rehabilitation Among Prostate Cancer Survivors and Their Partners in British Columbia. Northwestern Urology 2020.
FLANNIGAN R.,Hayden R., Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Schlegel P., Paduch DA. In-vivo Inhibition of MiR-202-5p Results in Spermatogenic Knockdown Through Targeting Epidermal Growth Factor Pathways & Cell Cycle Regulation. AUA 2019.
HAYDEN R., Mielnik A.,Flannigan R.,Schlegel P., Paduch DA. SOX2, A Master Regulator of Stemness, is Over expressed in Testicular Tissue of Men with Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome. AUA 2019.
FLANNIGAN R.,Melnik A., Bolyakov A., Robinson BD., Khani F., Grenier J., Schlegel PN., Schimenti J., Grimson A., Paduch DA. Comprehensive Analysis of miRNA Expression in Fertile and infertile Men: Clinical Correlates. ASA 2019.
HAYDEN R, Mielnik A, Bolyakov A, Flannigan R,Paduch D. Nuclear expression of mature micro-RNA’s in normal human testis. ASRM 2019.
HAYDEN R, Flannigan R,Mielnik A, Bolyakov A, Schlegel P, Paduch D. Discrepancies in miRNA-seq and RT-PCR leads to discovery of high prevalence of miR-202-5p isomers in human testis. ASRM 2019.
AL HUSSEIN ALAWAMLH O., Flannigan R.,Awori Q., Kim S., Barone M., Goldstein M., Li PS., Lee R. Safety and Efficacy of No-flip ShangRing Circumcision in Young Adolescent Boys aged 10-12 Years Old in Kenya, Africa. AUA 2018.
PIERCE H., Bach P., Flannigan R.,Dudley V., Goldstein M. Effect of Microsurgical Varicocelectomy on Sperm DNA Integrity and Association With Reproductive Outcomes at IVF/ICSI. AUA 2018.
WILCOX VANDEN BERG R., Hayden R., Flannigan R.,Margolis D., Paduch DA. Magnetic Resonance Angiogram Evaluation of Penile Vasculature in Young Men with Erectile Dysfunction. AUA 2018.
HAYDEN R., Flannigan R.,Wosnitzer MS., Gonzales A., Goldstein M. Ultrasound Underestimates Varicocele Vein Diameter Among Men Undergoing Varicocele Repair. ASA 2018.
HAYDEN R., Flannigan R., Bolyakov A., Mielnik A., Schlegel P., Paduch D. Differential Expression of Long Non-coding RNAs Among Men with Spermatogenic Arrest. AUA 2018.
BOLYAKOV A., Flannigan R.,Mielnik A., Hayden R., Schlegel PN., Paduch D. SYTO 17 Fluorescent Activated Sperm Sorting Demonstrates Efficacy in Sorting Viable & Motile Sperm. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Locke J., Tavakoli H., Wallis C., Etiman Mahyar., Hoyda T., Goldenberg L. Pulmonary Emboli in The Setting of Testosterone Therapy. A Nested Case Control Study Among 40,081 Testosterone Users. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Patel N., Al-Hussein Alawamlh O., Awori Q., Kim S., Barone M, Goldstein M., Li P., Lee R. Fulfilling the WHO Circumcision Mandate: Patient Motivation for Circumcision. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Heier L., Voss H., Chazen L., Paduch D. 3T Functional MRI Detects Differences in Neural Activation Among Men with Delayed Ejaculation & Orgasm. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Khani F., Robinson BD., Hayden R., Bolyakov A., Mielnik A., Schlegel PN., Paduch DA. Discrepancies Among Genomic & Histologic Phenotyping of Non-Obstructive Azoospermia. AUA 2018.
Flannigan R.,Khani F., Robinson BD., HAYDEN R., Bolyakov A., Mielnik A., Schlegel PN., Paduch DA. With-in Group & Between Group Differences of Spermatogonial Markers Among Men with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Sutii AM, Campagne F., Hobgood J., Hayden R., Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Schlegel P., Paduch D. Uncovering Biology of Klinefelter Syndrome (47,XXY) Infertility Using Novel 10x Genomics Single Cell Sequencing. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Khan F., Robinson B., Hayden R., Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Schlegel PN., Paduch D. Dysregulation of RNA Sequestration by YBX2 is a Novel Mechanism of Maturation Arrest Among Men with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Sutii AM, Campagne F., Hobgood J., Hayden R., Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Schlegel P., Paduch D. Evaluating Transcriptional Regulation of Dilated and Collapsed Tubules Among Non-Obstructive Azoospermic Men Using 10x Single Cell Sequencing Platform. AUA 2018.
AL HUSSEIN ALAWAMLH O., Flannigan R.,Awori Q., Kim S., Barone M., Goldstein M., Li PS., Lee R. Learning Curve with the No-flip ShangRing Circumcision in Kenya. AUA 2018.
LOCKE J., Flannigan R.,Etminan M., Tavakoli H., Skeldon S., Hoyda T., Goldenberg S.L. Patterns of Prescribing and Monitoring Testosterone Replacement Therapy Among 40,081 Users in British Columbia Between 1997-2013. AUA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R., Mielnik A., Bolyakov A. Hayden R., Schlegel PN., Paduch DA. Aberrant Y-Box RNA-Binding Protein Expression is a Candidate for Maturation Arrest Azoospermia. AUA 2018.
HAYDEN R., Flannigan R., Bolyakov A., Mielnik A., Paduch DA. SNP and ADAR Modification Analysis of Micro-RNA’s in 54 Men with Male-Factor Infertility. AUA 2018.
HAYDEN R., Flannigan R.,Wosnitzer MS., Gonzales A., Goldstein M. Ultrasound Underestimates Varicocele Vein Diameter Among Men Undergoing Varicocele Repair. AUA 2018.
HAYDEN R., Mielnik A.,Flannigan R., Bolyakov A., Paduch DA. Abnormal Expression, Localization, and Trafficking of Micro-RNAs in Men with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia. ASA 2018.
FLANNIGAN R.,Sutii AM, Campagne F., Hobgood J., Hayden R., Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Schlegel P., Paduch D. Uncovering Biology of Klinefelter Syndrome (47,XXY) Infertility Using Novel 10x Genomics Single Cell Sequencing. Cornell RNA Biology Symposium.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A, Bolyakov A, Schlegel P, Wright W, Paduch D. High degree of heterogenicity in SSEA4 positive human spermatogonia. ASRM 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A, Bolyakov A, Khan F, Robinson B, Schlegel P, Paduch D. Large scale miRNA and piRNA sequencing analysis of testis biopsies from fertile and infertile men reveals differences between miRNA and piRNA expression during spermatogenesis cycle. ASRM 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Bach P, Goldstein M. Microsurgical varicocele repair induces spermatogenesis among men with non-obstructive azoospermia: A 25-year experience. ASRM 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Khani F, Robinson B, Bolyakov A, Mielnik A, Darius Paduch. High level of discordance in assessment of testicular histopathology in male infertility. ASRM 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Bach P., Grenier J., Gudas L., Schlegel P., Paduch D. MiRNA202-5p is associated with impaired spermatogenesis, not the result of impaired spermatogenesis. Translational Research in Reproduction National Meeting 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A, Bolyakov A., Grenier J., Robinson B., Bach P., Paduch D. RNA Sequencing. Exploring Histologic Phenotypes of Non-Obstructive Azoospermia. Translational Research in Reproduction National Meeting 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Grenier J., Wright W., Gudas L., Schlegel P., Paduch D. Vitamin A Deficient Lecithin Retinol Acyltransferase (LRAT) Mice serve as an Inducible Model of Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome. ASA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Bach P., Schlegel P., Grenier J., Grimson A., Paduch D. Loss of Translational Suppression of PRM1/2 Via YBX2 is a Culprit of Early and Late Maturation Arrest in Humans. ASA 2017.
BACH P., Mielnik A., Bolyakov A. Flannigan R.,Schlegel P., Paduch D. Characterization of the Partial AZFc Y-Chromosome Microdeletions in Sub-fertile and Infertile Men. ASA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A, Bolyakov A., Grenier J., Robinson B., Bach P., Paduch D. RNA Sequencing. Exploring Histologic Phenotypes of Non-Obstructive Azoospermia. AUA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Bach P., Grenier J., Gudas L., Schlegel P., Paduch D. MiRNA202-5p is associated with impaired spermatogenesis, not the result of impaired spermatogenesis. AUA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Bolyakov A., Mielnik A., Bach P., Paduch D. Exploring RNA expression profiles of Klinefelter’s syndrome in the setting Non-Obstructive Azoospermia. AUA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Mielnik A., Bolyakov A., Bach P., Schlegel P., Paduch D PolyAtag library preparation for new generation sequencing (NGS) in human testis fails to detect non-coding and translated RNAs important in testicular function as compared to ribosomal RNA depletion method. AUA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Bach P., Ayangbesan A., Gottesdiener A., Goldstein M. Timing of return of sperm to the ejaculate and late failures following vasal reconstruction. AUA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Dinerman B., Bach P., Shulster M., Li P., Goldstein M. Microsurgically Assisted Inguinal Hernia Repair. AUA 2017.
HUSSEIN ALAWAMLH O., Awori Q., Stone B., Bach P., Flannigan R.,Goldstein M., Barone M., Li P., Lee R. Safety of spontaneous detachment of the no-flip ShangRing circumcision for adolescents & adults: A randomized clinical trial (RCT) in Kenya. AUA 2017.
STONE B., Hussein Alawamlh O., Bach P., Flannigan R.,Awori Q., Goldstein M., Barone M., Li P., Lee R. Randomized Clinical Trial of the No-Flip ShangRing Circumcision for Adolescents and Adults in Africa. AUA 2017.
BACH P., Flannigan R.,Najari B., Zaninovic N., Palermo G., Rosenwaks Z., Schlegel P. Impact of injected testicular sperm characteristics on reproductive outcomes in intracytoplasmic sperm injection. AUA 2017.
BACH P., Filipe N., Flannigan R.,Stone B., Hussein Alawamlh O., Feliciano M., Lee R., Schlegel P., Goldstein M., Li P. Male Infertility Microsurgery Training – Tricks of the Trade. AUA 2017.
BACH P., Neto F., Najari B., Flannigan R.,Feliciano M., Li P., Goldstein M. Impact of CFTR mutations on phenotype and reproductive outcomes in men with congenital absence of the vas deferens. AUA 2017.
FLANNIGAN R.,Bieniek J., Mullen B., Grober E., Lo K., Jarvi K. Ultra-structural Defects in Immotile Sperm: Characterization of Electron Microscopy Findings. CUA 2015.
Robinson M., Flannigan R.,Human testes organoid derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. ASA 2020.